Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A letter from father to son about marriage

I'm not married but came across this. Thought it was some great information so wanted to put it out there for those of you that are, about to be or want to be!!! Hope it helps :)

Talk! Talk! Talk about everything with your wife
 and respect each other’s opinion, and use each other’s areas of expertise. Together you will be an unbeatable team!
Don’t ever complain about your wife to your friend
s about little or big things. It gives others the wrong impression about your marriage and relationship.
Money! Agree on how to spend i
t. Make a budget together so you are in total agreement about where your priorities are. Decide how much to spend without discussion.

Complaining! A little goes a long wa
y. Don’t fall into the trap of making complaining a major topic of conversation.Don’t go to work somewhere for eight hours a day then spend the first hour together complaining about it. Be a positive person! Change what needs changing. Fix what you can fix. Understand the realities of a situation then comment on it, learn to live with it, or take yourself out of the situation. Complaining is counter-productive.

If something bothers you about your wife, discuss it with her, that is, only if it is something you can’t live with. Rememb
er, you did not marry her to change her. You fell in love with her the way she is.

Have a real date at least once every other
 week – I mean something alone. People get too wrapped up in their groups and don’t make the time for each other. In most group activities, you really are not getting much time together.

Keep the romance in your mar
riage! One minor part of that is giving each other a little privacy, for example, bathroom privacy. How romantic is it for your wife to see you go to the bathroom.

Kids will change everything. Get to know each other well first. One major change in your life at a time is enough, although not always possible. Kids will be fun, but much work. You really have to be a team with the kids. Give each other a break for a few minutes eac
h day. You will have to devote yourselves to your kids, but don’t forget your date! You start out just the two of you, and you will end up again that way. Keep your personal relationship alive and well while you go through the other parts of your life.

Don’t embarrass her in front of friends or
 family. This could be an embarrassing story that you could choose not to tell, or choosing to discreetly help her avoid a potentially embarrassing situation even though it could seem funny on one level. Make the distinction between funny and embarrassing — it is an important one.

Always be the person, do the things and say the things, that your wife can be proud of when she think
s of you.

Always be the one person your wife
 can trust in any situation and never do anything to shake that trust.

Don’t ke
ep secrets! Don’t let someone tell you something that you can’t tell your wife! Tell them, “Of course you don’t mean my wife.”

You two will be as one against the world!

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