Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I learned to tithe about 8 months after I first became a Christian 2 yrs ago. I didn’t realize how important it was until my Pastor did a sermon on it, after all, I was a new Christian and had a lot to learn!
I was eager to do what Pastor explained, but I didn’t have a whole lot of money at the time. $20 a week was all I could do. So that’s what I did! Throughout the following couple of months God really worked in my life. Each time I felt like He wanted me to up the amount, I did. I wasn’t quite sure how I would pay for everything, but some how each month was covered.
I finally got to the point of tithing a full 10% and when I looked back I realized just HOW MUCH He had blessed me!!! This year I felt like He was telling me to bump it up again. Which was over 6x more than what I started with in 2009. (And I’m not saying this to brag, I’m saying this to show you that you can’t out give God! He will always supply your needs!) Even though I KNOW He is faithful and always covers me, it’s still a nerve racking thing!

God pours out the most blessings when you are obedient to Him and I have experienced it first hand. My friend, if you are not tithing, you are truly missing out.
Start today! Your amount may be small, but God will honor that. After all, what you have, He gave you to begin with, the least you can do is give him back a dime of each $1 you make.

God's way

God uses us in amazing ways. Yesterday I went to dinner with a friend and we talked about when the Lord calls us to do something. When I talk about things God has done in my life, it brings me to tears! Even though I should never be surprised when He comes through for me, I am…I’m just amazed that He pays so much attention to such small detail in my life!
I feel like He tells me what He wants me to do, in His quiet, gentle impression on my heart, and then waits patiently for me to do it!
He’s not demanding, He doesn’t pressure & He lets me choose for myself.
I’m a pretty stubborn girl and it sometimes takes me a while to do what He asks me. I can quite easily give up my money or things to someone else when He tells me, but I struggle when it comes to doing things HIS way with anything else, because I like to do things MY way.
I have learned some valuable lessons along the way by doing things my way, but if I had listened to Him to begin with, I would have saved myself a whole lot of hurt.
I question myself often as to why I wouldn’t just do what He asked to begin with, instead of going about it the hard way… but I have figured out that I like to have reasoning behind my actions. I can’t just do it because God told me to, I need to go through the whole process, fail, learn and then arrive at the place He could have got me to without some of the mess.
I’m not, by all means saying it’s better to do it your way, because you don’t learn Gods way. But it just so happens to be the way I go about things. Everytime! That is something God is bringing to the surface in my life to work on.
One of the things that causes this is, when I feel like I “hear from God” (and I don’t mean an audible voice, I mean a soft impression in my heart) I confuse myself by thinking “How do I KNOW it’s Him?” or “What if it’s satan messing with me trying to ruin it?” or “is it just my own thoughts, trying to justify the situation?”
I had a break through yesterday, because of the conversation my friend & I had.
God is NOT confusing, God is NOT demanding & He speaks to my heart & NOT my head.
Whenever I feel at peace in my heart, but think these random destructive thoughts, I know that’s satan messing with me because I am in God’s will. It’s when my heart is churning and unsettled and my mind is telling me “I’m fine” that I know I’m not in God’s will.

Thinking of it this way may help me discern what He wants me to do in certain situations. Either way, God would want you to step out in faith for Him & be wrong, than to not step out at all!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

When God asks you to give up something...and you don't want to

Sometimes in our walk with Christ, He asks us to give up something that we really don’t want to give up. Usually it’s something that has distracted us and diverted our attention away from Him. We may have focused so much on this one “thing” that it has become an idol, or we prioritize it before God. Once in a while, it may be something that keeps our focus on God, but we cling to it so tight, that we don’t want to let go. So He uses that “thing” as a test to see if we would freely give it up to Him or not. He is our God, He is the one that controls everything in our life, IF we let him.
When we start to grasp onto things, we begin to control life the way WE want to and God gets pushed aside.
Is that “thing” or “person” more important than God? I don’t think so! Do you know better than God? I don’t think so… and yet we all seem to struggle with this! We think we know best, we want to do what we feel like doing and think the end result would be better than what God had intended for us. How can what WE plan, be better than what the creator of the universe plans for us??? (You tell me!)
When we do this, we not only insult God, but we sell ourselves short and miss out! God is SO MUCH bigger than you make Him to be… As Pastor Furtick says “Don’t put God in a box!” let God do, what God does best, and be GOD! Take your hands off the situation and let Him do what He knows how to do!!
When he asks you to let go, do it. When He asks you to be generous, do it! When He asks you to give up something or someone that you care about, do it! You can’t out give God, and He will always, ALWAYS replace what He asks you to give up, with an upgrade.
He never said the walk with Him would  be easy, but it will always be worth it. When I accepted Christ into my life, I surrendered my life to Him, for Him to do what HE wanted with MY life… I am no longer in control and I am giving it all to Him, who gave it all in the first place.

Pastor said in this weeks sermon “Some people are looking for a miracle, when He wants management for what He has already given you, He won’t drop provision until you check your perspective.”

Check your perspective, bring back your focus to what God has called you to do, and whatever it is that you feel Him calling you to let go of, give away or give up… let it go… see what God will do, once you have done what you can do.
“When you will do something in Gods house, He will do something in yours” ~ Pastor Steven Furtick.

A key phrase to remember when struggling as to whether something is from God or not…
Ask yourself this before you make a decision…
Does it direct you TO God, or distract you FROM God?

When someone or something is FROM God, it will direct your focus TO God, if it doesn’t, it ain’t God! LET IT GO & MOVE ON!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Learn to suffer well

When you are certain of your eternal destiny, you know what really counts & you aren’t afraid of any situation, even death.
Paul wrote in Philippians 1 that dying would be better than living.

Phil 1:21 “For me, living means living for Christ, dying is even better”

He doesn’t say this because he is a psycho that wants to die. He says it because dying means he would be removed from all the worldly troubles & get to see Jesus face to face. But if he lives, He gets to do the good work of Christ, so he is torn as to which is really better.

If you’re not ready to die, then you’re not ready to Live.

He doesn’t want us to walk around afraid of anything ever happening to us, if it does, then we should count it as a privilege.
When we suffer deeply, God will use us.
If we get in an accident, God will use it to bring us closer to Him.
If you go through a divorce, God will restore you & then use you to minister to others, who struggled with the same thing.
If a loved one dies, God will use you as an example to others, of how to suffer well. In Him!
If you are unhappy & going through a difficult time in your life, place your faith in Jesus. He died so that we shouldn’t have to carry around such heavy burdens. We tend to carry around so much heavy baggage that isn’t ours to carry. That makes his death on the cross worthless! Place whatever it is you are holding on to, carrying around, struggling with, at Jesus’ feet. Give it to Him, lean on Him. He paid that price for you. That is when we will be free to really live the way God wants us to live.

Mark Driscoll said “In order for God to use us greatly, we must first be wounded deeply”

Suffering has it’s benefits –
*It makes us like Christ… He suffered for us

*It takes our eyes off earthly comforts … We know we can’t put our trust in or build our foundation on unstable earthly things.

*It weeds out the superficial believers… Those who don’t lean on Christ during suffering, use other things as a crutch (sometimes we all do that to some degree)

*It strengthens the faith of those who endure… being refined like a diamond.

*It serves as an example to others who may follow us...that God is our craftsman

Don’t resent suffering and let it tear you down. Stand strong, for a diamond endures extreme heat & pressure, but comes out beautiful and sparkling on the other side. You will too, with a stronger faith than you ever imagined possible.
Learn to suffer well.

Some of my favorite quotes from my Pastor, Steven Furtick, & The Bible that encourage me during times of suffering & struggle.

“Believe that God CAN & WILL, but TRUST if He doesn’t” PSF

“There is more IN me than what’s AROUND me” PSF

“I WILL be all that God made me to be” PSF

“My greatest weakness, is God’s greatest opportunity” PSF

“My joy Is not determined by what happens TO me, but what Christ is doing IN me & THROUGH me” PSF

“God will put more on you than you can bear, because He wants you to depend on Him” PSF

“The process is what we go through, to receive the gift.” PSF

“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again – rejoice!” Phil 4:4

“Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for what He has done. Then you will experience Gods peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts & minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7

 “Not hat I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.” Phil 4:11-12

“I can do ALL things through Christ, who give me the strength I need” Phil 4:13

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.” Phil 4:23

Be joyful today!!!! Whatever you are going through, someone else has it worse… and it’s not that bad in light of the bigger story.

Philippians 1 -Joy

Is it your passion as a Christian to see others filled with life in Christ? Don’t you yearn to see your lost friends & family discover the good news of Jesus?

I know I do… it breaks my heart when someone I care about struggles with life in general & seems so empty… when they could have so much more, if they’d only let God do the work that He intended, in them.

I went to lunch the other day with a friend who claims to be a Christian, but you can tell by the vacant look in their eyes, that they don’t truly KNOW Christ.
I feel that sometimes I want more for my friends & family than they want for themselves.
How do you explain to someone that doesn’t know Christ, that if they did, it would be like finding that hidden key to unlocking the secret to unlimited happiness, contentment, fulfillment & joy. No matter what the circumstances in your life!? And I’m not talking about just the superficial, ever changing, external happiness you get from earthly things, like people or objects, but deep centered, internal joy, the kind of joy you only experience from knowing Jesus personally.
Now it doesn’t mean to say you won’t have a bad day & life will be peachy… quite the opposite in fact. God puts us through struggles to test our faith, to refine us, & to show Him, by being joyful in a bad situation. We all have them, whether we know Jesus or not- times of indecision, financial burdens, family conflict, job loss etc. It’s how we choose to act in those situations that make a difference.

In Philippians 1, Paul writes a letter to the Christians of Philippi about how he loves them, because they share his joy in knowing Christ. There is something to be said for the love you feel for a fellow Christian. We connect because we share the transforming power of Christ’s love, we understand, appreciate & are grateful for what He did for us. Therefore we show the love to others, that Christ showed to us. (and by US I mean ALL humans... whether you realize it or not, God loves you, you are important to Him.)
We (as Christians) get that about one another, we understand each others motives (to show the love of Jesus) But people that don’t know the Lord, tend to second guess us “why are you doing something nice for me?" "What do you want?” "What are you trying to persuade me of, or recruit me for?" & people get  suspicious or are confused at how we can be joyful in a crappy situation. But… (and there is always a big butt  :) ...)

Happiness is a symptom of my circumstances,
Joy is a product of my perspective – Pastor Steven Furtick

When you know Jesus, your life has purpose & your perspective changes… from:

“poor ME, how does this effect ME, I don’t deserve this”


“WHAT is God trying to teach me in this situation?”

 I know God has a purpose for me & He works all things for good. So look at each situation as an opportunity to be joyful & to find a way to turn a bad situation into a good one.

When Paul wrote that letter expressing his joy, he was in prison!!! But he didn’t sit around feeling sorry for himself. He was still joyful because he was proclaiming the good news of Christ. You can do God’s work anywhere you are! Whether it be in prison, at work, at home, at school, in the store or even at Church.
Look for ways to demonstrate your faith, whether or not the situation improves, your faith will get stronger & you’ll find yourself feeling a deeper sense of joy & contentment inside, no matter what is going on around you.

My joy Is not determined by what happens to me, but what Christ is doing IN me & THROUGH me –Pastor Steven Furtick

Be an encouragement to others by the way you live. It’s not about YOU & the moment you realize that, your perspective changes... then your attitude changes… & then your actions change. It’s as though you see life through a different set of eyes. When you view life, the world & people the way Jesus does, you want to do what Jesus did… love all (yes, even the people you don’t like), serve others whole heartedly & give…generously!
For those that don’t believe in God, life here on earth is all there is… so it’s natural for them to be self focused, strive for money, power, pleasure, popularity, & materialistic things… When you have Jesus, you look to a higher place, beyond yourself & put others first.
When you start to put the focus on Jesus and do for others as He did, it takes the focus off of YOU. God wants to use you to change the world, but he can’t do that when you can’t see past yourself.
"Work OUT the joy that God has worked IN you!" PSF

Do you have difficulty accepting where you are in life? Do you dislike your job? the place you live? The life you ended up with?
Well, God has you here for a reason & it ain’t gonna change so you can either sit around moping, or start to look at it from a different angle!
 What does God want to do through you in this situation? God puts us in a place to JOYFULLY serve others, whether it’s in a prison or a place that feels like one! It will change your life as well as theirs. Who is He asking you to serve joyfully?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Do you respond with Head-Faith or react Heart-Doubt??

Today I was reading day 29 of JESUS by Beth Moore and she talked about the battle that all of us struggle with at some point in our lives... "Head-faith" & "Heart-doubt"

I have experienced Gods works, heard testimonies of His intervening power & still sometimes I have doubt, not necessarily because He didn't do something for me though... because when He doesn't do something that I want so deeply, doesn't mean He doesn't exist or has better things to be doing, it's usually because there is a reason & His timing is not mine, but it's always better!
Although, I do wonder why He doesn't heal my small physical pains when He can raise people from the dead & make the sun stand still, or why He doesn't take away the feelings I have for someone I know is not right for me, when He can wipe away someone else's addiction. But if He did...what else would show my need for Him? because these things that I ask that He heal or take away, make me seek Him more.
That's the hard part... It's one thing to know with our heads, but telling our hearts is a different matter! We still have feelings, emotions & hurts in our hearts, we may know in our head what is true, but our heart tells us something different...that is called "Heart-doubt"
Beth talks about us needing to have HEAD-FAITH... We cannot be "a reed swayed by the wind" (Luke 7:24) or as James 1:6 says "be people of faith, not like the surging sea driven & tossed by the wind" We, as humans, tend to be led by our emotions, by what we are feeling at that current time.

Heart-doubt for me is the hardest to over come. It is such a HUGE battle for me to respond with head-faith & not react with heart-doubt. It's hard for me to over ride my feelings with what I know in my head.
I have to remind myself that Christ died for us to over ride our feelings... I am weak, but He is strong & Philippians 4:13 says

 "I can do ALL things through Christ, who gives me the strength I need."

We need to wrestle with the heart & not give in. Don't roll over & submit to it! We have Jesus fighting the battle with us... with Him & God's word, we can over come ANYTHING!!!

We cannot let our emotions power over our minds, when we stand strong & don't surrender to our hearts, emotions & feelings, we make it to the next level in our faith.
As my Pastor, Steven Furtick often tells us...

"Opposition gets harder each level we move up"

 & the enemy knows to work on our heart strings, because it's a humans weak spot. So shield your heart with God's word so that when the enemy attacks, you don't fall captive to your heart, that you may rise above, with Jesus, with what you know to be true in your head!
But... prepare & protect your heart for the next level, the opposition will bring new & more difficult tactics!
How will YOU deal with it?... will you RESPOND with HEAD FAITH or REACT with HEART DOUBT???

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

God is always faithful!

Today I was thinking about past things God has done in my life and I came to the realization that He has ALWAYS been faithful… whatever I wanted, whatever I desired in my heart, whatever I asked for… He gave me.  
Now maybe not in MY time and when I wanted it. But He gave these things to me in a much better time, when he knew it would benefit me the most.
He has never let me down. God’s timing is just as perfect as His ability to give you what your heart desires when you haven’t even communicated it.

Whatever it is that you long for in your life right now, and feel as though God isn’t listening. Don’t give up praying for it. God put those desires in your heart, will He give you those & then not fulfill?
Numbers 23:19 says

“God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”

God will fulfill His promises & bring that very thing into your life in due time… and if He doesn’t, He will bring something MUCH better.
My Pastor once said

“God will never ask you to give up something that He won’t replace with an upgrade”

Whenever I struggle with something that I want & God doesn’t seem to be listening… I think about that. I will either get it in His time… or He will give me something SO much better… That is such a comforting thought!
How does that make you feel?
I know I get excited to see what my future holds, what He will bring into my path & to see what He is going to do in me and through me this year!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Letter to God

I thank you from the very bottom of my heart. You saved me when I was at the pit of the lowest point in my life. My spirit was broken & defeated, my heart shattered as my world crumbled around me. It was then that I looked up & my eyes locked onto you! YOU lifted me out, you loved, forgave, comforted & restored me. For that Jesus, I am eternally grateful & will tell all the world of your brilliant, healing name...Jesus Christ who lives in me!
You came when I needed you the most, I was lifeless & dried up in the desert. Then you flooded my thirsty heart when I was beyond dehydrated. You swept away my sins like clouds & scattered my offenses like the morning mist. Lord I will surrender my life to you, for you have paid the highest price to set me free...unworthy, undeserving me! You are a great & mighty God, glorious in all ways & yet you are my friend, my hiding place, my safe refuge. You know every hair on my head, every thought in my brain, every move I am going to make, every desire of my heart, because you designed me with precision & exalt you, praise you, worship you & to make your name known. You fill my tank so that I may shower the least of these with your love. You created me to be your hands & feet in this awful world, to use me to speak your word to people & bring hope into their empty broken lives, to lift them up & to help them know you.
Lord you challenge me, stretch me, push me & test me. But you refine me through these fiery trials, so that I may learn to become more like you. I sometimes fall, but I will always get back up, because I know you are there to help me. When I am weak, you are strong & I can lean on you. You Lord, have been the most solid rock that I have leant on in the past 2 years. You are an indestructible foundation that I have learned to build my life on.
You always know what's best for me, even when I don't...then when you get me to the other side, I look back & it all makes perfect sense. It is from these times Lord, that I learn to trust in you, to know that you don't change, you always provide for my needs, you give me hope, fill all my desires and have my best interest at heart. Even when I don't see the destination through the mountains & clouds, I will follow your direction, as you are my guide, you have never steered me wrong. I always feel fulfilled & closer to you at the end of every place you take me to. You know where you are taking me, so I will relax & enjoy the journey.
Lord, you are glorious, you are gracious, & the lamp to my feet. Your name shines in all the earth, you are holy, magnificent, all good & loving. I'm always amazed when I think of all the great things that you are & yet you still want to be involved in every aspect of my life. I long for the day that I am able to look into your beautiful face, the creator of the universe, wonderful counselor, savior, my friend.

Thank you...for who you are, all you've done & all you're going to do.
I love you Jesus.
Your chosen one

AN AMAZING POEM I FOUND THAT SEEMED FITTING FOR MY LETTER... Thankful that I finally listened to His voice.
My heavenly Father called one day
I did not listen to His voice or what He would say
I would not ask, nor would I call
To Him who could give me all
I thought I could do it alone
I did not need to come to Him to listen
Alone I was sufficient
I had it all, or so I thought
I did not want to be put on the spot
I did not think that I had sinned
For truly I was good from within
I went along in my pride
Until one day I lost my stride
I began to fall apart
Deep within my heart I began to grieve
For truly I had been deceived
The god I chose was wrong, of course
And I could not rejoice in those things I had done
For no victory had I won
The treasures I had sought
Were not ones that would sustain
There was no joy, no hope or love--only pain
Today I know the truth
That truth has set me free
My heavenly Father, so loved me
He gave His only Son
That I might be His chosen one
--Sheila DeMartino