Friday, September 30, 2016

God always goes before us.

Deuteronomy 31:8


"The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."

God ALWAYS goes ahead of us… He has a plan, He just wants to know if we will step out and trust Him, even if we don't see all the provision and pieces.

It's truly amazing to me STILL that God performs miracles.
Everytime it happens, it surprises me. And yet His word tells us that we should expect to do even greater things.

JOHN 14:12-14

"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."


During the revival at my Church a couple of weeks ago, I felt like the Lord put on my heart to tithe from the amount I had raised for the year to live in Guatemala. My first thought was "No, I need all of that!!!" And then I was reminded that I have never been able to out-give God, He has always provided for my every need, and this time wouldn't be different.

The Lord placed on my heart for me to give it to a small Church in Guatemala, where I had been introduced to the pastor and his wife in April. (2016) So I put the 10% aside in an envelope to take with me when I moved in Sept!

Little did I know this pastor, his wife & their congregation had been praying for provision in an area of their church.
A team had raised enough money to build an Alter at their Church, but then they had too big of a gap between the alter and the roof, so they needed to build a wall. This would mean more fundraising and they knew it would take a while here in Guatemala.

When I came to Guatemala, I gave them the envelope with what God put on my heart to give… Apparently it was the EXACT amount they needed to build the wall & therefore could make full use of the Alter that had just been built by the other team.

Someone had just told them "To thank God for the unseen" & that He would provide for them.

I had no idea of their need and they had no idea that God spoke to my heart weeks before.

WOW… only God.

If you listen…and obey… He will use you in unimaginable ways!!!!
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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Day 7 in Guatemala

Day 7...

Last night I didn't sleep well, I ended up going back to bed and sleeping until 12. I think my body is worn out from all the walking I'm not used to doing, and my brain is tired from processing all the Spanish I'm not used to hearing all day, everyday!
I am taking today to get situated and hopefully finish unpacking
. (I've been here a week and still haven't done it!)
And since it's national coffee day, I came to get coffee at my favorite little place in Antigua.

Yesterday and the day before I went to serve at Village of Hope. The first day I did about 14 haircuts but the second day I only did 3. My friends are here serving also and I wanted to help with them instead!
So I got to sweep out water from a storage room so they could paint in there, use a machete and cut down weeds, have lunch with the kids, take a tour around VOH, meet the nannies and see the property. It was a good day!

People here have jobs with intense physical labor AND they walk to and from work, sometimes in the rain, and sometimes climbing on a packed bus with 60+ other people. All of which I have experienced this week.
It makes me grateful for having a car in the states to get to work and home in a timely manor without getting soaked from rain or sweating my bum off from walking and sitting on a bus packed like sardines.

At the end of my first week, I can say I have a lot of respect for the people here. My feet hurt from walking so much, my back hurts from carrying my things with me, my knees hurt from sitting so squished on the bus and they live this day in and day out.
And my life is STILL so privileged here. I have a bed to sleep in, hot water and food to eat. Some people don't even have that. And yet, they still have so much joy! I can learn a lot from them.

I am looking forward to the day that my Spanish is enough for me to have proper conversations with people to ask questions and talk with them about their lives. Right now I speak enough to get by and it's getting better every day. When you're in a store with no one that speaks English and you need to buy something... it's amazing how your brain figures it out!!!

Tomorrow I am meeting with The Parkers (my friends from home that came to serve here) and Pastor Cesar and his wife, Amy, to spend the day with them!
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PO Box 470252, Charlotte, NC 28247

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Psalm 139:14 "I am fearfully wonderfully made, I know that full well."

First Day of Cutting Hair

First day of cutting hair!!!

Today is my 5th day in #Guatemala & my 1st day of cutting hair! Today & tomorrow I will be serving at Village Of Hope.

This morning I got up at 6am and walked 20 mins to get the bus, then get off that bus and walked another 30 mins... then got on another bus and then walked about 5 more minutes to get to VOH. People do this every day to get to work!

Who needs a gym!?

Thankful for a beautiful day today so that I didn't have to do it in the rain!!!!
Yesterday it was like a flood!!!

I'm not lost, I'm Exploring.

I'm not lost, I'm exploring

Today is day 4 ... I went for a little stroll this morning, got lost, but made it back to where I needed to be. Sometimes getting lost is the best thing that can happen, because you find things and places you didn't know were there. You expand your knowledge, you grow your comfort zone, you lean on God and you learn how you tend to respond. You also may learn what NOT to do & how far your legs can actually take you haha. These first few days here have been challenging and overwhelming, but without those things there wouldn't be any growth. I have to say, I am VERY thankful for the people God has placed around me to help me!

...After writing this post I was walking back to my apartment, after picking up my laundry once I figured out where on earth I was, and on the back of a truck there was a sticker that said:


And it just made me smile after the mornings adventure!!
It was a little God wink 😉

Let's see what today brings!
