Sunday, July 31, 2011

Inner or outer loop?

As I was driving yesterday, I was trying to think of which way I needed to go when I got onto the 485 loop that extends around the city of CLT. See, the signage changes depending on your location on the loop. Sometimes it will say North or South, East or West, other times it will say Inner or Outer. So you really have to know where you are, in order to figure out which way you are going.

It occurred to me that it’s the same way in our relationship with God. It’s about perspective. You have to understand where God has placed you, to know where He wants you to go.

Do you understand & appreciate where God has placed you? Or are you asking the question “Why am I where I am? “
What is my purpose in this job? In this city? In this friendship? In this Church?

Friend, WE make mistakes, but HE doesn’t. He has placed you there for a specific reason. He knew your decision before you made it. He has already worked it out for your good.
Sometimes we have to step away from the picture in order to see what’s inside the frame.
Other people may look at our lives, see the beautiful picture and envy us, while we are sitting there thinking ”what in the world am I doing HERE?”
You may think you are wasting time, in the wrong place or think you got on the outer loop when you needed to be on the inner loop!  God has a purpose for having you right where you are. He will use this time to prepare you for where you are going.  You just have to know WHERE you are, to get WHERE you’re going.

Where are you? What is God trying to teach you in this season of life? What is He speaking to you that you’re not quite getting because you are so focused on thinking you are in the wrong place?
You need to sit and take a look at all the scenery that God has put around you during this time in your life.

Today I sat and wrote down some blessings that God has placed around me…we all have them, we just need to open our eyes to see & appreciate them.
My life may not seem glamorous to some people, and to others it might…all I know is I am right where God meant for me to be & that I am so thankful for the life that I get to live.
I get to work in the best salon in Charlotte, with some amazingly fun people. I get to go to THE best Church IN-THE-WORLD, where I met my most incredible friends who have become like family. I have the most caring & thoughtful mum & a step dad that I call dad, because he is every essence of the word. I get to travel to Central America on mission trips & to London to visit family.

Sometimes we don’t realize how good we have it until we step back & look at it from a different perspective. When you start looking at your life from different view, you start to appreciate it. When you start to appreciate it, you start to realize that where you are may not be the wrong place after all. You realize that even if you were on the outer loop & needed to be on the inner loop, that you can still get where God intended you to be, you just had to go about it a different way than maybe YOU had originally intended.

God has you where he wants you & although it seems as though you are going the wrong way on the loop, he has a purpose for taking you that way around.
If you never went that way, you would never know what was there…maybe He wants you to know what’s there, so you can help someone else get to their destination while you are on your way to yours.

Proverbs 3:6
Seek Him in all you do & He will direct your paths

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Soul 139

WOW… I don’t even know where to start. What an incredible day Sunday 24th July 2011 was …the first day of Soul 139.
I have been planning this since God laid the vision on my heart 5 months ago. I am still in the process of filling out papers to apply for non profit status & trying to lay the foundation, but I didn't want to let that stop me from moving. I decided to have a "Demo day" & Sunday I got the privilege of doing hair for some people from hope haven & Jackson Park.
I couldn’t believe the day actually happened. God has orchestrated this perfectly from the get go. The whole journey has pushed me out of my comfort zone in numerous ways. But that is where God grows me the most. Each time I’m obedient, as scary as it is, He blesses me beyond words. I had the privilege to pray with these people, to lift them up to Jesus & ask His blessing over them. I had the opportunity to create a style & to honor them in a way that has not been done in a long time, if ever for some of them. We had men, women & kids! It was a great day.  The neighbors were SO appreciative for everything that took place.
I am so grateful for the amazing people God has placed in my life to be able to make SOUL 139 what it is. Without them, that day would not have been possible or as special as it was.
I want to take a moment to thank each of them for all they did…Thank you to
~ Maximized living Dr, Dr Matthew McAlees from Carolina Chiropractic who taught our neighbors how to live a maximized life!
~ Brooke Thomas of who made the scrumptious healthy black bean brownies & also helped with nails.
~ Cara Hyde, for helping prepare food & talking with neighbors.
~ Andy Brooks, for making the caprese salad & talking with neighbors.
~ Tony Godfrey f,or the awesome massage, that they LOVED.
~ LD Akers for photography…can’t wait to see all the pics.
~ Tina Shaw for taking time to chat with neighbors & make them feel comfortable
~ Adam & Karen Rummel, for shooting video, talking with neighbors & helping with nails.
~ Heidi McClure & Brittany McClure for nails & the use of the camera… plus Thank you to Logan McClure who is skillfully editing the video!!!
~ Kristin Clark for nails & support
~ Sonshine Watkins, Eric McPhaul, Daniel Pesirithes & Tanya Brown for doing hair…you all did an amazing job .
~ Kristi DeMeritte, for being my “Chunks Corbett”, Prayer warrior & constant support
 Krystal & James McLean, Dominick Thompson, Kinte Clark, Howard Hollins, Gayle Hollins for your support.

I plan to have a tumblr site up soon with more photos & video of the day! I hope you will go check it out to see what went on. I am also planning to have the next Soul 139 day on Sept 25th (not set in stone) If you’d like to be involved in the next one please email me at

Also check out our FB page & please “LIKE” it!!!

Thanks so much

Saturday, July 23, 2011


When I was at Casa Aleluya last week, Mike, the man who started the orphanage, preached a great message to us about being a soldier of God. He said a soldier doesn’t quit; a soldier keeps on fighting to the very end. He explained that there is no armor on the back of the soldier because he was not intended to ever turn & run from the battle. Soldiers were made to face it head on, that is when they are protected.
In the same way their armor protects them when they fight, God protects me when I come up against opposition.  I don’t have His full protection when I turn & run from it- I was not made for that. God made me to be a fighter. He made us all soldiers, with the ability to be strong & willing to fight for Him.
I am about to do something huge to advance His kingdom in this city… and the opposition I have faced since I have started the process has been insanely difficult. Sometimes I have wanted to throw in the towel. But at the end of the day, I love Jesus & I want to fight no matter what. The only way to lose, is to give up...and I'm not a quitter! So that's not even a question. When I want to quit the most, is when I need to fight my hardest. What keeps me going is knowing that God placed this calling on my life, I know He will see me through it. We must depend of God with absolute obedience to be sure of the victory He has promised us!
The other day God laid on my heart the word “anticipate” I responded with “Anticipate what!?” a couple of days later I was walking & thinking about Soul 139 (the nonprofit I am starting) I have the first day tomorrow & I was feeling nervous, discouraged, scared, intimidated & looking forward for it to be over… now…when I’m chosen to do Gods work…those are not the feelings I should be feeling! He has given me great gifts to be able to use for His glory, tomorrow I get the chance to love on some people, the way He loved me.
“Anticipate” came to my mind again. Only this time I thought, my relationship with God right now in this situation is a lot like my relationship with my assistant. I tell them all the time to “anticipate what I am going to do & prepare for it” They do what THEY can do, so I am able to do what I can do. They set me up for the next haircut, but ultimately it’s up to me to pull off the haircut & make the client look & feel great when they walk out the door. So right now, it’s my job to “Set up” & anticipate what God is going to do, then leave the outcome to Him!
Putting things in His hands is one of the most difficult things for me to do. I’m a planner, a perfectionist & like to be in control of the situation. If I don’t think it’s going to get done right, I do it myself. Which is exactly why I get overwhelmed & burned out. God never intended us to do it on our own; He can do abundantly more than we can EVER do ourselves! Plus, Jesus died for us to not have to carry this junk.
This is a learning experience for me to exercise putting this event in His hands, because as of right now… there is nothing more I can do, Its out of my control. He will run the show the way He wants it done. That might not be the way I anticipated for, but at the end of the day, I’ve done all I can do, it’s time for Him to do all He can do! After all…it’s His show!

These are some verses that I read that helped me stay motivated... the people around me are my fighting men! I appreciate all those that have my back. I love you!

Joshua 8:1 Do not be afraid or discouraged. Take all your fighting men & attack.
Joshua 8:7 You will jump up from your ambush & take possession of this town, for the Lord your God will give it to you
Joshua 8:8 Set the town on fire (For Christ :) as the Lord has commanded, you have your orders.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Guatemala 2011

I can’t even begin to put into words the feelings Guatemala left me with. I never in a million years could have predicted the impact these Children had on me.
I have to be honest, when I first arrived at Casa I thought “what on earth am I doing here…I can’t talk to these kids. I’m not gonna have an impact on them, I have no idea what they have been through” I was right about one thing…I may not have had an impact on them… they had one on me!!!
 I left my heart in Guatemala with the kids, particularly one boy… his name was Danni David Roca Lopez. I met him half way through the week. I was getting attached to so many of the kids, but God kept putting David on my heart. He was sort of stand offish, which a lot of the kids there are…they have so many groups come in and out, why would they open up to someone, only to be left a week later?
When he played cards with us he kept cheating & putting the cards in his pockets. I called him the hustler of the group! Everytime you asked him a question he would roll his eyes and go “pssshhh”  if you asked him his name, he would lie & say “Jose’” or “Carlos” anything but his real name, and would crack up laughing. I started asking him about his rings as he had on two. They werern’t really rings, they were plumbing tube rings but he wore them all the time. When I finally got him talking he told me that he wanted to get rings on every finger. I felt led to give David my ring. It was my John 15 ring that I swore I would never give away. It made my heart happy to give that to him. He sat and looked at it for ages & said “for me!?” he seemed surprised that someone would give HIM something. From that point on, he was totally different with me. He hated having his photo taken, but he would let me take it. He would never smile if in a photo, and he would smile if I asked him to…towards the end of the week, I didn’t even have to ask, he just did…it was amazing to see him open up so much more than when I first met him. He even gave me hugs every once in a while! We spent a lot of time together & I finally told him that I was going to sponsor him…I had never seen him smile so big all week. I can’t explain the way it made me feel to see him show some kind of emotion. It made me happy to see him happy.
God really worked in my heart on this trip. He broke my heart for what breaks His. When I think about the children at Casa, I cry. Partially happy tears because they are in a great place, partially sad tears because of what they have been through to end up there. I’m so grateful for the life that I have been given. These kids have nothing, they don’t have anybody to tell them that they are loved, they don’t have parents, or someone to pour into them constantly, they have ripped shoes & clothes, they literally have nothing but one another, yet they have so much joy. The smiles on some of their faces are unforgettable.
There was a boy named Jose who had just arrived at Casa, he had the most amazing heart. Unlike David, he was very affectionate. He would be smiling all the time & come running to give you a hug as soon as he saw you. The day we left, I cried & he walked up to me, gave me a huge hug & rubbed my back…it made me laugh that a 10 yr old was consoling me. He is such a sweet boy & I hope life doesn’t change that.
This trip made me walk away with the realization that life is too short to be busy “doing” all the time… Yes we should love to serve…but we also need to take time to “savor”  (thank you Kristi) each blessing God puts in our life. I left Casa thinking that if these kids that have been through so much in their lives can have joy & smile because they are alive, no longer being abused & know Jesus. Then why can’t we smile all the time…we have SO much to be thankful for! It goes to show, stuff really doesn’t bring you happiness. If anything, it takes happiness away.
To see the way these kids live their lives, showed me that Jesus can heal more than I could ever imagine! Learn to love one another, fully. Savor each moment. Endure hard times with joy & keep your eyes on Jesus. He is our source…no one or nothing can fulfill & heal us the way He can.





Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A poem from my Nanna

I wanted to share my "Grandmas poem of wisdom" that I found in my bedside drawer today! It touched my heart & I hope it does yours.

From my Nanna to me!

I've travelled paths you've yet to walk
Learned lessons old and new
And now this wisdom of my life
I'm blessed to share with you

Let kindness spread like sunshine
Embrace those who are sad
Respect their dignity, give them joy
And leave them feeling glad

Forgive those who might hurt you
And though you have your pride
Listen closely to their viewpoint
Try to see the other side

Walk softly when you're angry
Try not to take offense
Invoke your sense of humor
Laughters power is immense

Express what you are feeling
Your beliefs you should uphold
Don't shy away from what is right
Be courageous and be bold

Keep hope right in your pocket
It will guide you day by day
Take it out when it is needed
When it's near you'll find a way

Remember friends & family
Of which you are a precious part
Love deeply and love truly
Give freely from your heart

The world is far from perfect
There's conflict & there's strife
But you still can make a difference
By how you live your life

And so I'm very blessed to know
The wonders you will do
Because you are my Granddaughter
And I believe in you!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Don't miss the point

The Gospel has been distorted over the years & it has resorted to being about rules and restrictions rather than a relationship. The plot has been lost. The point has been missed.

There are still so many Christians out there that are racist, homophobes & extremely judgmental about the way other people live their lives! These people definitely DON’T show the love of Christ. They make un-believers reject Jesus! They even make some Christians want to reject being a “Christian.” I know I don’t want to be associated with any of that.

People can get so focused on things that don’t matter…it’s not about any of that!!! Don’t miss the point! Jesus didn’t die on the cross for you to be able to go around pointing the finger & deciding who goes to heaven & who doesn’t, who is worthy & who isn’t…that’s not your job. He died on the cross to set us free from the sin that holds us captive. He died on the cross to carry our heavy burdens so that we don’t have to. He died on the cross to show how much God loves each & every one of us…UNCONDITIONALLY, and it’s way more than you or I can fully comprehend.

The Gospel is supposed to give hope…In the book I recently read, Love Wins, the author makes a good point when he tells the story of a son dying and a Christian woman asks the mum “was he a Christian?” when the mum says “no” the Christian woman responds with “so there is no hope then” …WHAT!?!?!.... What kind of love is that??
THE GOSPEL IS ABOUT HOPE…what kind of hope does that give the mother who just lost her child?!  What about that statement would make that mother WANT to know Jesus during her time of suffering? Or ever? 
That “Christian” woman just pointed this poor mother in the complete opposite direction of the one thing that could help her through it…Jesus.
Who is she to say that woman’s child didn’t go home to be with his father, that loves him unconditionally, that sent his son to die for him, that created him & knows him inside & out?

“You don’t have to DO anything; God has already done it through Jesus.” Rob Bell

God offers a free gift of eternal life through Jesus, we cannot earn by our own efforts, works or good deeds. Only God can judge that…not us, ever
We get accepted by Gods Grace…by His mercy, that’s it!!!!

You don’t HAVE to go to Church, you don’t HAVE to read the bible, you don’t HAVE to live your life a certain way, and we are all given a choice. But God instructs that we do because we will be in our sweet spot, where he designed us to be. Sin is crippling, He instructs us to live a certain way so that we can have a FREE life. Discipline brings freedom. Christ brings freedom.
The point of Church, fellowship & bible study is to draw closer to God because it’s there that you learn what His character is like, you learn that God IS love, God IS good & He IS great. It is there that you are supposed to get fed so that you can go out and feed others.

When we realize life is not about us & we are indeed a part of a bigger story, we start to get a different perspective. God is always present no matter where you are, it’s just up to us to seek Him & open our eyes to see the blessings that He puts in front of us everyday. It’s up to us to lean into Him and rest in His strength & not try to do it on our own. Seek & you shall find.  
Jesus’ message isn’t about getting somewhere else… or HOW to get to heaven, it’s about bringing that somewhere else here, bringing heaven to earth…It’s about living life in Him abundantly NOW, growing yourself as a person to be more like Jesus, caring for others, showing compassion, helping people, putting others first, going above and beyond…but not because you HAVE to, but because you WANT to… because you know that Jesus loves you unconditionally… it brings that out in you. When you realize that, you can’t help but love others the same way He loves you- be a mirror and reflect Gods love to others.