Saturday, July 23, 2011


When I was at Casa Aleluya last week, Mike, the man who started the orphanage, preached a great message to us about being a soldier of God. He said a soldier doesn’t quit; a soldier keeps on fighting to the very end. He explained that there is no armor on the back of the soldier because he was not intended to ever turn & run from the battle. Soldiers were made to face it head on, that is when they are protected.
In the same way their armor protects them when they fight, God protects me when I come up against opposition.  I don’t have His full protection when I turn & run from it- I was not made for that. God made me to be a fighter. He made us all soldiers, with the ability to be strong & willing to fight for Him.
I am about to do something huge to advance His kingdom in this city… and the opposition I have faced since I have started the process has been insanely difficult. Sometimes I have wanted to throw in the towel. But at the end of the day, I love Jesus & I want to fight no matter what. The only way to lose, is to give up...and I'm not a quitter! So that's not even a question. When I want to quit the most, is when I need to fight my hardest. What keeps me going is knowing that God placed this calling on my life, I know He will see me through it. We must depend of God with absolute obedience to be sure of the victory He has promised us!
The other day God laid on my heart the word “anticipate” I responded with “Anticipate what!?” a couple of days later I was walking & thinking about Soul 139 (the nonprofit I am starting) I have the first day tomorrow & I was feeling nervous, discouraged, scared, intimidated & looking forward for it to be over… now…when I’m chosen to do Gods work…those are not the feelings I should be feeling! He has given me great gifts to be able to use for His glory, tomorrow I get the chance to love on some people, the way He loved me.
“Anticipate” came to my mind again. Only this time I thought, my relationship with God right now in this situation is a lot like my relationship with my assistant. I tell them all the time to “anticipate what I am going to do & prepare for it” They do what THEY can do, so I am able to do what I can do. They set me up for the next haircut, but ultimately it’s up to me to pull off the haircut & make the client look & feel great when they walk out the door. So right now, it’s my job to “Set up” & anticipate what God is going to do, then leave the outcome to Him!
Putting things in His hands is one of the most difficult things for me to do. I’m a planner, a perfectionist & like to be in control of the situation. If I don’t think it’s going to get done right, I do it myself. Which is exactly why I get overwhelmed & burned out. God never intended us to do it on our own; He can do abundantly more than we can EVER do ourselves! Plus, Jesus died for us to not have to carry this junk.
This is a learning experience for me to exercise putting this event in His hands, because as of right now… there is nothing more I can do, Its out of my control. He will run the show the way He wants it done. That might not be the way I anticipated for, but at the end of the day, I’ve done all I can do, it’s time for Him to do all He can do! After all…it’s His show!

These are some verses that I read that helped me stay motivated... the people around me are my fighting men! I appreciate all those that have my back. I love you!

Joshua 8:1 Do not be afraid or discouraged. Take all your fighting men & attack.
Joshua 8:7 You will jump up from your ambush & take possession of this town, for the Lord your God will give it to you
Joshua 8:8 Set the town on fire (For Christ :) as the Lord has commanded, you have your orders.

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