Saturday, January 1, 2011

Letter to God

I thank you from the very bottom of my heart. You saved me when I was at the pit of the lowest point in my life. My spirit was broken & defeated, my heart shattered as my world crumbled around me. It was then that I looked up & my eyes locked onto you! YOU lifted me out, you loved, forgave, comforted & restored me. For that Jesus, I am eternally grateful & will tell all the world of your brilliant, healing name...Jesus Christ who lives in me!
You came when I needed you the most, I was lifeless & dried up in the desert. Then you flooded my thirsty heart when I was beyond dehydrated. You swept away my sins like clouds & scattered my offenses like the morning mist. Lord I will surrender my life to you, for you have paid the highest price to set me free...unworthy, undeserving me! You are a great & mighty God, glorious in all ways & yet you are my friend, my hiding place, my safe refuge. You know every hair on my head, every thought in my brain, every move I am going to make, every desire of my heart, because you designed me with precision & exalt you, praise you, worship you & to make your name known. You fill my tank so that I may shower the least of these with your love. You created me to be your hands & feet in this awful world, to use me to speak your word to people & bring hope into their empty broken lives, to lift them up & to help them know you.
Lord you challenge me, stretch me, push me & test me. But you refine me through these fiery trials, so that I may learn to become more like you. I sometimes fall, but I will always get back up, because I know you are there to help me. When I am weak, you are strong & I can lean on you. You Lord, have been the most solid rock that I have leant on in the past 2 years. You are an indestructible foundation that I have learned to build my life on.
You always know what's best for me, even when I don't...then when you get me to the other side, I look back & it all makes perfect sense. It is from these times Lord, that I learn to trust in you, to know that you don't change, you always provide for my needs, you give me hope, fill all my desires and have my best interest at heart. Even when I don't see the destination through the mountains & clouds, I will follow your direction, as you are my guide, you have never steered me wrong. I always feel fulfilled & closer to you at the end of every place you take me to. You know where you are taking me, so I will relax & enjoy the journey.
Lord, you are glorious, you are gracious, & the lamp to my feet. Your name shines in all the earth, you are holy, magnificent, all good & loving. I'm always amazed when I think of all the great things that you are & yet you still want to be involved in every aspect of my life. I long for the day that I am able to look into your beautiful face, the creator of the universe, wonderful counselor, savior, my friend.

Thank you...for who you are, all you've done & all you're going to do.
I love you Jesus.
Your chosen one

AN AMAZING POEM I FOUND THAT SEEMED FITTING FOR MY LETTER... Thankful that I finally listened to His voice.
My heavenly Father called one day
I did not listen to His voice or what He would say
I would not ask, nor would I call
To Him who could give me all
I thought I could do it alone
I did not need to come to Him to listen
Alone I was sufficient
I had it all, or so I thought
I did not want to be put on the spot
I did not think that I had sinned
For truly I was good from within
I went along in my pride
Until one day I lost my stride
I began to fall apart
Deep within my heart I began to grieve
For truly I had been deceived
The god I chose was wrong, of course
And I could not rejoice in those things I had done
For no victory had I won
The treasures I had sought
Were not ones that would sustain
There was no joy, no hope or love--only pain
Today I know the truth
That truth has set me free
My heavenly Father, so loved me
He gave His only Son
That I might be His chosen one
--Sheila DeMartino

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