Wednesday, January 26, 2011

God's way

God uses us in amazing ways. Yesterday I went to dinner with a friend and we talked about when the Lord calls us to do something. When I talk about things God has done in my life, it brings me to tears! Even though I should never be surprised when He comes through for me, I am…I’m just amazed that He pays so much attention to such small detail in my life!
I feel like He tells me what He wants me to do, in His quiet, gentle impression on my heart, and then waits patiently for me to do it!
He’s not demanding, He doesn’t pressure & He lets me choose for myself.
I’m a pretty stubborn girl and it sometimes takes me a while to do what He asks me. I can quite easily give up my money or things to someone else when He tells me, but I struggle when it comes to doing things HIS way with anything else, because I like to do things MY way.
I have learned some valuable lessons along the way by doing things my way, but if I had listened to Him to begin with, I would have saved myself a whole lot of hurt.
I question myself often as to why I wouldn’t just do what He asked to begin with, instead of going about it the hard way… but I have figured out that I like to have reasoning behind my actions. I can’t just do it because God told me to, I need to go through the whole process, fail, learn and then arrive at the place He could have got me to without some of the mess.
I’m not, by all means saying it’s better to do it your way, because you don’t learn Gods way. But it just so happens to be the way I go about things. Everytime! That is something God is bringing to the surface in my life to work on.
One of the things that causes this is, when I feel like I “hear from God” (and I don’t mean an audible voice, I mean a soft impression in my heart) I confuse myself by thinking “How do I KNOW it’s Him?” or “What if it’s satan messing with me trying to ruin it?” or “is it just my own thoughts, trying to justify the situation?”
I had a break through yesterday, because of the conversation my friend & I had.
God is NOT confusing, God is NOT demanding & He speaks to my heart & NOT my head.
Whenever I feel at peace in my heart, but think these random destructive thoughts, I know that’s satan messing with me because I am in God’s will. It’s when my heart is churning and unsettled and my mind is telling me “I’m fine” that I know I’m not in God’s will.

Thinking of it this way may help me discern what He wants me to do in certain situations. Either way, God would want you to step out in faith for Him & be wrong, than to not step out at all!!!!

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