Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Almost 3 weeks in Guate

I have been here close to 3 weeks now... it feels way longer than that in some ways and in others I feel like I just arrived.

I think so far I've done about 57 haircuts in that time for two different Children's homes. And I HOPE to cut the hair of this man named Nelson at some point.
We met him on the street walking to work one day and I thought,

"wow, his eyes are beautiful and I bet he could be so handsome with a haircut!"

In the following days our paths crossed a few times, we nodded and said hello each time. One evening Julio saw him on the way home from work and bought him dinner. I asked Julio to ask Nelson if he would let me cut his hair.
He of course said yes and sent me a video saying he would like that a lot as he can't afford to get one!
(If you click on the blue tab below his photo, it will take you to it.)

I can't wait to send you the before and after photo of this man!! He is going to look incredible!
I don't have a scheduled time to do it yet, but God will make a way!

One of my biggest struggles of being here is not being able to communicate with people like I want to. It is really difficult to get information you need or even have a pleasant conversation with someone. So I've been taking a few days to study Spanish. It is SO hard!! People say Spanish is one of the easiest languages, but I'm finding it super confusing. The verbs and past, present and future tense stuff is what gets me. It makes my head spin. Now I'm even struggling with the simple stuff I thought I knew before, because I'm questioning whether or not I'm saying it correctly.

As I sit here, I think the volcano just popped off. It sounds like a cannon, but louder.
This morning I woke up and there was tons more ash than normal, I hear it's a normal occurrence for Fuego. (The one out of 4 volcanos surrounding this town). Here he is:

I'm going to close this out with a laugh... I'm sitting in the garden of a coffee shop and there is a British guy facetiming his friends, talking SO loud. He was telling them how he had been learning salsa and proceeded to get up and show them a little bit. Needless to say, he still needs to take those salsa classes!!!

Copyright © 2016 SOUL 139, All rights reserved. Providing free haircuts to those less fortunate than us.

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Psalm 139:14 I am fearfully, wonderfully made, I know that full well.

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