Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Don't ever underestimate God!... He's got you!

God always has a purpose & He intends to follow through with it even if you try to back out! He may have showed you something that intimidates the crap out of you so much that you start to think you aren’t capable of doing it… ever been there?! Yeah, me too! But I love how he Re-affirms His plan by placing you in certain situations with certain people.

Today I went to serve at the Urban ministry Center & I had a blast! I love getting to talk to the neighbors & finding out about their lives. Most of them have some amazing stories. They are always so thankful & positive…it’s a blessing to see & truly makes me appreciate what I have.  I love to be able to hear from God through the least likely person.
Elevation staff went to Urban to serve for love week. Since I am the liaison for Urban & Elevation I got to be a part of it too. We broke off into small groups & shadowed some of the staff that work or volunteer at the center. I chose the counseling dept. because that interests me & I would love to volunteer in that area when I have some free time.
Our group ended up shrinking from 7 to 3…and I was kind of hesitant as to how it was going to work out. I thought that maybe it wouldn’t be as impactful with 3 people. But I was dead wrong. We were able to sit in with 2 of the neighbors, a guy named Luis & a young girl named Angel. They talked with us about their lives & how Urban is helping them get back on their feet… One of the Elevation staff in my team asked them “what is your passion? What would you love to do?” and Angel answered with “I would love to do hair” Both Elevation staff members just looked at me and I sat there smiling. They both knew what I was thinking because they both heard about my pg 23 vision God gave me a couple weeks ago.  THAT was all I needed to hear to know that God was telling me to stay strong, keep focused and believe that anything is possible with Him!  I want to be able to train girls, like Angel & pour into them with what I have been filled with! I want to pull out their potential and believe in them when no one else does.
Over this past weekend I had been having doubts about whether I want to follow through with this vision or not, mainly because I haven’t had time to sit & think about what needs to be done, because I have been focused on Love Week (one thing at a time!) Do you ever question whether you should follow this path or that one? Both are good, but which one is great? Which one will please God more? It can be a confusing thing! The great path is not always the easy one.

This past weekend Pastor talked about Honor. He said that when we honor people, God blesses us. When we miss an opportunity to honor someone, God can’t pour out the blessings He wants to on our lives. Pastor got me thinking when He said “what if we could see what God could see and were able to know all the opportunities we had missed to receive a blessing from God if we had honored somebody, & even what blessing we could have been to that person!” that’s a heart wrenching thought for me… I don’t ever want to miss an opportunity to be a blessing to someone when that is what God has called me to be. That statement pushes me to be great, that statement pushes me to do better, that statement pushes me to get out of my comfort zone and do things that I wouldn’t usually do, because He has called me to do it! Being able to honor someone shows obedience to God…if you aren’t obedient, you won’t receive the blessings He so longs to give you.
If God has given you a vision or placed you in a position you are uncomfortable in, yet you're doubting if this is where you SHOULD be or if you should DO it… change your perspective. There is a reason He has you there, there is a reason He gave you that vision. Stand in His love & know that this is what you were created for! God designed you for this very thing. Don't ever underestimate Him! It may seem daunting to begin with because you are extremely out of your comfort zone, but that’s where God grows you the most & when you are obedient there, that is when He will poor out the biggest blessings in your life… Do what He is calling you to do & watch what happens!

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