Monday, May 21, 2012

Seasonal struggles

Sometimes I don’t understand what God is doing in my life… it doesn’t make sense & I think “It’s not meant to go down this way…what are you doing!?” but who am I to tell God how it’s supposed to go down? That’s not my job!
Life isn’t always smooth and easy; it has some bumps in the road and is somewhat of a fight & struggle. I think those are the times that God wants to see if you will put to use what He has taught you in the last season of your life.
These are the times that push me closer to God, because I can’t walk through it on my own. I end up feeling an emptiness that only HE can fill. I feel weak, tired & somewhat worthless… I feel as though I have a few big holes in my soul that are hollow & I’m looking to anything & everything to fill them, but that’s only something Jesus can do for me.
Some days I get that fulfillment, other days I don’t & I think “Is God even listening!? Doesn’t He care that I’m hurting, that I’m stressed out or tired?” The answer is yes, He cares… but until you stop and sit at His feet, He can’t talk to you.
God wants to tell you how He sees you, that you are beautiful & perfect in His image, a prince or princess, His precious son or daughter, that is what you are, no matter what YOU feel about yourself. But in order to hear these things you need to STOP and listen. Look at what He is doing in your life already, look at the people He has placed around you who encourage you & who love you. Even better, what are some things you are grateful for?
Change your perspective & start appreciating what He HAS given you…when you start to look at things in a more positive light, your soul starts to feel more thankful and little by little God fills those empty voids with each glimpse of His creation…of His plan.
As much as you don’t feel like you are where you are meant to be right now…God has you here for a reason, what does He want you to learn from this situation? What perspective does He want you to gain from this circumstance? What steps does He want you to take in faith? Does He just want you to learn to walk WITH Him in a situation? Or to realize that no matter who you are, what you’ve done, the fact that you DON’T (And never will) have it all together, you can still come to Him & He will walk WITH you.
Some of you think you can’t be a Christian because you’re not good enough, don’t have it all together, not worthy or just plain selfish… WE ALL ARE… That’s what Jesus died for, We will never get away from our nature, but loving Jesus means experiencing His never failing faithfulness, the one true love that no one can give like He does & responding to that love by being grateful for all He has done & IS doing in your life… trust Him & allow HIM to fill those gaps.
Remember that you already are and you already have walk in it

1 comment:

  1. "little by little God fills those empty voids with each glimpse of His creation…of His plan"...I LOVE this!

    A lot of days I ask myself what am I even complaining about? A mess? Yeah, God dumped a huge and really cheap house on my lap...when 7 years ago I was homeless.... seriously? Stop complaining.

    Or my kids going crazy? I don't even 'deserve' to have them. Its only in his mercy I GET to spend my life with them. Let them be crazy, it keeps me on my toes and weeds laziness and selfishness out of my faith walk.

    Thanks for helping my perspective today Kat! Its always needed :)
