Monday, March 16, 2015

What is Gods will?

that’s always the big question.
Well recently God made that fantastically clear to me and I’d like to share it with anyone who wants to inherit the wisdom! That is, of course, Gods will!

Let me explain…

A will or testament is :
“A legal declaration of a persons wishes regarding his property after death.”

This was also interesting to me… The word property is also described as
 “An attribute, quality or characteristic of something.”

Inheritance is:
“Passing on of property, titles, debts, rights, obligations upon death of an individual.”

 “Usually people leave an inheritance in their will and a person does not become an heir of that inheritance before the death of the deceased, since the exact identity of the persons entitled to inherit is determined only then. DECIDED UPON, OR CHOSEN BY A PERSON IN AUTHORITY.”

 Wow… you can see where I’m going with this right?

God has authority and chose to leave us an inheritance as his children, BUT someone had to die in order for us to receive it. So he sent Jesus to this earth to teach us and pay our debt by dying for us. Why?... SO THAT not only are we free from a debt we could never pay, but NOW we can inherit God’s estate, property (characteristics, quality, attributes) and alllllll that is in his will.

Side note: An inheritance cannot be EARNED…it is GIVEN! It is available to you NOW because Jesus died. You receive it BY FAITH.

The word inheritance is in the bible 239 times… I think God was trying to make it clear to us that we have one! You are an heir with Christ! 

On our journey as Christians its up to us to learn what that will holds so that we can not only please God, but also receive every bit of that inheritance! I don’t want to live my life oblivious to what’s really mine…and yours!
So I wrote down just a few of the things that I think are part of His will…you can think about it and write a few more of your own.

The first is:
Salvation… It means “Help in distress, rescue, deliver, SET FREE.” Jesus did that for us when he died on the cross…that’s ours to receive. We need not try to earn anything by trying to be a “Good person.”
Rest…ahhh it’s yours
Purpose…it’s yours
Direction…it’s yours
Satisfaction…it’s yours
Patience…yes, even that!
Integrity…it’s yours
Freedom…it’s yours
Forgiveness…it’s yours
Love… it’s yours
Peace…oh yes, that’s yours too!
Joy…it’s yours, receive it!
Grace…it’s yours
Wisdom…it's yours
A Firm Foundation…it’s yours
Mercy…it’s yours
Eternal life! …it’s yours if you want it!
Hope…it’s yours!
Meaning…it’s yours
Holy spirit…it’s definitely yours!
Restoration…it’s yours
A new heart…it’s yours
Strength…it’s yours
Healing…it’s yours!
Guidance…it’s yours
Perseverance…it’s yours, reach out and take it.
Fruits of the spirit…ALL of them!

Stop striving to attain what is already yours, you want to know what God’s will is? It’s receiving all that He has given you.
By GRACE you have been saved, now by FAITH you can receive.

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