Usually the way God works in our lives is through the 4 words written above. He allows us to go through a time of great suffering, which breaks us & shows our need for Him.
At the very pit of our suffering, we see who Jesus is. We are then told to wait for HIS timing...not our own. Two very different things!! We must always pay attention to that. Sometimes we like to jump ahead & think the timing is perfect. This is when we should wait & allow Him to guide us. It is then that we shall receive what He has promised, the power to do as He has called you do to.
Acts 1:3 - "After his SUFFERING...He SHOWED Himself"
Acts 1:4 - "But WAIT for the gift my father promised..."
Acts 1:8 - "You will RECEIVE power when the Holy Spirit comes on you..."
In Acts 1:9 Was when Jesus had been taken up to heaven & left his disciples. There was some suffering there for the disciples for the loss of their friend. As well as great opposition from those around them who did not "know" Jesus personally, or did not believe Him.
(Acts 2:13) As followers of Christ we will ALWAYS face opposition. Whenever we are called to step out in faith we will always have people in our lives thinking we are absolute fools for choosing to live our lives for God. Jesus had it, His disciples had it, we will have it! The question is, are you willing to trust that Jesus is who He says He is? That He rose from the grave as Peter explains in
Acts 2:24
"God raised Him from the dead, because it was impossible for death to keep it's hold on Him"
Especially as a leader you will always come up against opposition in whatever it is God is calling you to do or to be.
But one day, those who oppose you, their eyes will be opened. As in Acts 2:23 & 2:37
Peter explained "This man was handed over to you by Gods set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross"
Acts 2:37
"When they heard this, they were cut to the heart & said to Peter 'Brothers, what shall we do?"
There eyes were opened ready to be shown the miracle of Christ in the next chapter.
Acts 3 Peter heals the beggar & people are amazed at the life change when they see the man walking.
People's eyes were open to seeing the miracle performed in Jesus name by a bold disciple!
Acts 3:8-10
"He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him."
This goes to show that you don't have to go out and preach the gospel for people to see Jesus. When you meet Jesus, your life is changed & people around you see that for themselves, our job is to give praise to the one who made us new! Peter & John (& the beggar that was healed) constantly gave praise to God for all He had done! The rulers & elders of the people didn't like that.
Peter & John were arrested for speaking about what Jesus had done in & through them.
Thank goodness we have freedom of speech & don't have to worry about that happening to us!
No matter how bad your circumstances look, don't give up! This is the time to trust & wait.
At the time you think it's over, is usually about the time God shows up! You can't stop Gods hand...even when His best men were in jail, still 5000 people got saved!
No matter your circumstances, Gods plan is always greater!
God usually picks those of us that are ordinary & asks us to do the extraordinary so that He may show off through it , because others are going to know that it's not us who are able to accomplish these great things! Peter & John were very under-schooled, ordinary men but they were willing to be bold & stand in the face of their opposition & live their lives for God, even in jail. While they waited, they prayed.
Acts 4:29
"Now, Lord, consider their threats & enable your servants to speak your word with great BOLDNESS"
They were willing to press on & do as God has called them to do. Not out of pressure or because they felt they "had to" but out of a response for their love for Jesus & because they couldn't help talk about all God had done in their lives & others. They asked for BOLDNESS & showed that they would be faithful to God; and no matter the circumstance they would continue to speak about Jesus & not back down.
This is when they...
Acts 4:31
"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit & spoke the word of God BOLDLY"
They received what they asked for in Acts 4:29
God is faithful in fulfilling His promises, if you wait & trust Him.
Whatever it is that God as called you to do, know that you may feel under-schooled, incapable & not able to carry out the task. Know that God will see you through what He has called you to! He will always give what you ask for in His name according to His will. No matter how bad the circumstances look, how inadequate you feel, He's working His plan the way He wants it. You need only to stand...and give praise!
Acts 5:39
"But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God"
Thanks for this Kat! It gets overwhelming at times to see all your inadequacies and still have to face your calling knowing that God wants to use them, and you. Always in need of the reminder that. Love learning with you!