Today I am free again…I have been saved for over 3 years but for the last 10-11 months I have felt burdened, in chains, held back & straight up exhausted & empty… Today I got my life back, I got my voice back, I got my love back… I got my Jesus back. I know I never lost Him …but it sure felt like I had.
I let the enemy stand on my back & tell me why I wasn’t good enough, why I wasn’t strong enough, all the things that were wrong with me that would prevent me from moving forward…that I wasn’t worthy, that I could never be better, that I could never break through… guess what… he’s WRONG…dead wrong!!!!
I’m not who I was & my past doesn’t define me, that was 4 years ago & Jesus has made me a brand new person. I don’t struggle with all the things satan was whispering in my ear…that’s old news! THE VICTORY IS WON…
I allowed satan to keep me hanging out in deliverance when God was pushing me towards His promise land… I was stuck in the wilderness for 40 years when it should have only been 11 days (As Christine Caine talked about today)
I allowed satan to tell me all the reasons why I shouldn’t, when I should have been listening to all GOD’s reasons for why I should …and CAN!!!!!!!
Because HE made me to be fearless…I am fearfully & wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) HE made me for more! HE values me, HE is my strength & my power, through HIM I CAN do all things, HE says who I am, HE chose me, HE gave me HIS Mercy & Grace, HE said I can, HE has faith in me…if He didn’t, He would never have chosen me for what He has called me to do! I need to “GET UP…& PICK UP MY MAT & WALK” Jesus didn’t make me for sitting on the side lines staring down at myself & all the things I cannot do…He made me to LET GO, SURRENDER & keep my eyes on HIM to allow Him to do all the things THROUGH me that I am not strong enough to do on my own!!!!!!
Don’t allow satan to hold you back any longer…Drop whatever it is that you are holding onto that you THINK is keeping you afloat…and grab a hold of Jesus…He is the only life saver, the only floatation device, the only solid foundation to be built upon. His character is trust worthy…Let go & trust Him to do the work IN YOU that you cannot do yourself …He will free you
:) loved reading this...been praying for you friend! Love u! ~becky