Well as guarded as I was in the beginning of the meeting, by the end I was balling like a baby, snot running down my nose, tears that I couldn't stop & I felt embarrassed sitting in a room full of women, completely broken without being able to hold it together...AT ALL. To be vulnerable with you for a minute, I have been fighting to get out of a slump. I feel like I have been stuck in a hole for a long time, empty, drained, hardly any energy & just couldn't muster up the strength to get out. I had tried climbing out with all my might & kept falling back in, only digging myself in deeper by pulling all the dirt on top of me. It's a daunting place to be when you feel like you are in a hole & can't get out yourself.
Isaiah 41:10
"So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
When people around you are saying "Speak it & you'll believe it" or "go through the motions till you get it back" It just feels more like I'm trying positive self talk to give myself a kick in the rear n get back on track...sometimes that helps, this time it didn't. I had nothing I could say to myself that was helping; no sermon I could preach to myself in the mirror, nothing I could read that was helping; no scripture, no self help book. There was nothing I could DO that was helping, nothing anyone could say to me & no amount of worship music that I sang at the top of my lungs helped. I went to Church every week, I read scripture every morning, I would pray, I would cry...nothing. I asked my Pastor the other day how he handles it when he isn't feeling it and still has to bring a message to the people every week? He said to me:
"God's truth is still Gods truth, even when you're not feeling it..."
I thought about that for a couple days. It's true, didn't get me out of the hole...but it reminded me that God is faithful, He won't leave me or forsake me, that this is just a season & I will be out of it eventually.
But God :) (My two favorite words) did something amazing this morning... Lisa prayed for people to be released from a crushed spirit...that's where I lost it. I have had such a heavy heart, crushed spirit, stuck soul & not known what to do to get out of it. I have been struggling big time. I had times where I would seek God with everything I had & thought I'd got back on track...and then the heaviness would hit me with a vengeance. It still may...but I feel differently about it this time. I finally felt like this morning broke something in my spirit. There is healing in being completely broken. I am grateful. I'm not sure how God quite heals a spirit... but He does. If someone asked me, I couldn't tell them how. But I just experienced it. His ways are higher than my ways... I will not understand how, when or why He does things...but I'm grateful.
I thought that maybe I am going through this at such an extreme measure so that when I hit something tough later down the road I can remember this time & REMEMBER that God IS faithful. I can then pass that hope to others who are struggling. He IS faithful, always has been, always will be. He doesn't change.
I'm sure there will be ebbs & flows of this season. There is a lot of things God is working out in me where He has only recently scratched the surface. But I will remember that He is faithful & no matter what I'm going through, He will be with me through it, He has purpose in it, & for it...He will not waste it.
Hebrews 10:23
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for He who promised is faithful"