Sunday, August 7, 2016

Thoughts along the way


Just sitting reflecting on all God has done this past year is amazing.

Being on the other side of it by a year and looking back at all the things I was so afraid of, doesn't even matter at this point because it's all taken care of. 

That's just like Gods character. 

Which means all the things that I am afraid of when I look forward, will be taken care of too, and I will be able to look back with a smile at how God accomplished it all...again.

There have been a lot of things I didn't anticipate dealing with during this transition. 
One would be figuring out what to do with the projected fears others throw at me when I tell them what I'm doing. 
I didn't anticipate the amount of fear I would feel listening to other people's fears. 
But the thing I need to remember is, God didn't call them to do this. Some of them have never even left Charlotte, North Carolina, of course they would be afraid to go to Guatemala. Some have never even left a country, and splurt out:
"Do you know what it's like to move to a different country!?!? I couldn't do it!!!" 
Umm…hello, I am from a different country. I've done it once, I can do it again.
"Do you know how unsafe it is there!?" 
Yes, yes I do, thank you for the reminder. It's actually not that safe here at the moment either if you look at current affairs. And if God is asking me to do it, He will protect me and has a purpose for me there. I could quite easily have something happen to me here in the states too... God has a plan and a purpose for each one of us, He doesn't intend to take us home until that is finished. When it's your time to go, it's your time to go and there is nothing you can do about it. 

So, I've learned along this fun journey, how to battle through fears, of mine and others. How to trust that if Gods called you to it, He will provide for it. Financially, the people, the connections and everything in between.
It's still so amazing to me when He does.
I had two clients sit in my chair 30 minutes after each other and tell me of the SAME ministry and the SAME lady's name. They did not know each other but they had both worked with Lemonade International and wanted to get me in touch with "Tita". 
If that wasn't clear, I don't know what was! I'm paying attention God!
I spoke to Tita and we will get to meet in September when I get there & see what God has planned for us!
There have been so many things along the way that God has confirmed that this is the way I should go...So I'm walking in it. I'm grateful to be on track. 

To read more and if you are interesting in donating towards this journey you can do so here: