A friend of mine told me about how she uses SOAP to study scripture...huh? I know, I thought the same thing!
It's actually an acronym that stands for Scripture, Observation, Application & Prayer!
I love it!
It helps me take one chunk of scripture, whether it be a verse or a chapter and break it down to apply to MY life!
I did one today and want to share it, so that you can see how to do it at home! It's a great way to have some quiet time with God and allow His word to soak into your spirit!
S Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
O If it is weighing me down to the point of not being able to carry it, go to Him! His yoke is easy and He is there to carry the burden. LEARN FROM HIM! Do what He does, lead like He does, live like He does. He is gentle and humble. Not mean, tough worn out and proud. He loves me and is waiting to help. He WANTS to give rest to my soul. When my soul is restless I can go to Him. Sleep is rejuvenation for my body, HE is rejuvenation for my soul. He will comfort me when I surrender whatever is weighing me down to Him.
A When my spirit is restless, PLEASE remember to sit with Him. Be still and allow him to pour into me with His never ending love. Go to Him and drop my burdens at His feet. He will carry it. His yoke is easy. Stop trying to hold it all up by yourself.
Give up
P Lord,
Please remind me to surrender to you EVERYDAY. To take up my cross and remember it's not about me and I can't do it all. When it's from you, it's easy! I get to rest in it and enjoy it. It still takes work and perseverance but it is not a burden that I can't handle with You. When I feel that weight remind me to surrender it to you and know that you are carrying it for me.