Today I am feeling the weight of what I’m about to take on. I don’t feel ready for this, but I know I am! What better time than now?
I remember the way that line used to make me feel when I’d play hide & seek as a kid. My stomach would turn when the seeker would shout it, usually because I wasn’t prepared & hadn’t found a great spot. But even if I had, I’d still get nervous.
Right now, I feel the same… I’m prepared & I’m in a great spot, but when I hear “Ready or not, I’m coming!” my stomach turns & my brain starts going a million miles an hour asking myself “What it your not?” (so what if I’m not?) What if you do something wrong?” (So what if I do!?) “What if you take too long?” (so what If I do?)
SO WHAT?! If I’m not ready, I’ll get ready along the way. If I do something wrong, I’ll learn. Id rather take my time & know that I prepared on the front end rather than trying to fill in the gaps & pick up the slack, because I rushed it.
Sometimes I work myself up into a state that I have no business being in. I asked myself this morning “What are you scared of?”
My answer… “Failing”
If I trust God & believe Him the way I say I do, then when He tells me I’m the one to do this & He will see me through, then my answer should be “Yes Lord, what’s my first step?”
Instead my response is just like Moses “not me, I can’t do this… I’m inadequate, I’m not good at this”
RIGHT!... and that’s exactly why God chose me for the job!
In Exodus 4
Moses was complaining because he felt inadequate, not capable & not the man for the job, when God wanted Him to do something huge. So he cried out to God for His help…
God always deflects!... He asks Moses
“What is that in your hand?”...
Moses said “a stick”…
God said “throw it on the ground”…
The stick turns into a serpent… Moses jumps back and is scared of it, God tell Moses to pick it up by the tail & God turns it into a staff…
God did a miracle for him… God did many for Moses, so that He may learn to know & trust Him.
“I am the LORD, tell your story about ME!” God says
For me this relates to my life in a huge way, as I know it will in yours.
What is in your hand?... what is that every day mundane thing that you see as “just a stick.”
What regular thing is in your life that God can use? … God tells us to throw it down, let go of it, and give it to Him to work with… He then turns it into something that scares you! Instead of doing the normal thing by turning and running away, STAND … FACE IT… and watch God use it to completely change your life!
God is doing that to me right now, He has taken what I have & what I know how to do on a regular basis… I gave it to Him & He has now called me to do something that scares the crap outta me… but if I run, I will miss my opportunity for Him to use me. He CHOSE me, He could quite easily have chosen someone else… but He didn’t, He picked me…
I feel so very honored that He did. But I need to stand & stare it in the face, I need to pick it up & run with it! Yes I feel Inadequate, but someone said to me the other day
“God doesn’t call the qualified, HE qualifies the called”
Im not strong enough, I’m not adequate, I’m not qualified… but that’s why He picked me… because it will show HIS name ALL OVER IT!... not mine! It’s not about me, I’m a nobody, but He wants to use this nobody to make His name known!
God has spoken to me so clearly about this & put the right people around me to get it done.
Pastor said in one of his sermons
“You can tell the work God is about to do in your life, by the machinery He puts around you”
I have some heavy-duty equipment around me right now, I just have to put the effort in & learn how to use it!
I sometimes get overwhelmed because I don’t feel that there are enough hours in the day to do what I need to do.
I have to change my perspective & only look at the 3 action steps I have for that day.
Just as I talked about in my previous blog “Perfectionism Vs Excellence”
If I complete those 3 things with excellence, then I am making progress.
What situation looks overwhelming to you?
Can you break it down into small bite sized pieces that you can chew on for today?
Remember that if God has called you to it, He will see you through it
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart & do not depend on your own understanding,
Seek His will in all you do, & He will direct your paths.
I am grateful that I get to do His work
Moses still went for it…I’m going to & you should too!